MaryRoss Taylor (roundtable co-chair) is an independent curator and consultant in Texas. She holds a Master of Arts in Museum Studies from John F. Kennedy University, Orinda, California. She directed Lawndale Art Center in Houston from 1991-1997. From 1985-1990 she directed artist Judy Chicago's nonprofit organization Through the Flower, working with scores of exhibitions of The Birth Project and the international tour of The Dinner Party. From 1973-1983 she was proprietor of an influential feminist bookstore in Houston. She has served on the Governor's Commission for Women (Ann Richards, Governor of Texas); as President of the Leadership America Association; and on the National Advisory Board of the National Museum of Women in the Arts. Recent exhibition projects include Limp, sponsored by Houston Women's Caucus for Art as part of International Sculpture Conference 2000 in Houston; and Identity, an exhibition commissioned by the University of Houston-Clear Lake for the South Central Women's Studies Association annual meeting, which traveled to Women & Their Work in Austin in an augmented version. In 2000 she juried the Third International Competition for Womanmade Gallery in Chicago.
NWSA Roundtable Handout in �Guerrilla Girls� Flyer Style (1) Women's Studies and Feminist Art/Art History: The romance was long ago. Have they drifted apart? (2) Which of the following are irrelevant to Women's Studies? Law, Health Sciences, Music, Speech, Advertising, Linguistics, Cognitive Science, Art History, Art (3) On your campus, who decides whether a picture is worth a thousand words? (4) If your faculty advisor says, "I don't see any reason for you to take that course in Women's Studies," how do you get what you need in your copious free time without attracting official disapproval? (5) What kinds of relationships characterize schools that produce and support rich interdisciplinary offerings? (6) Can feminists globally pool their own inventive course topics, syllabi, strategies, and examples of productive friendships across disciplinary boundaries? (7) Please send much better ideas to www.ArtWomen.org.
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